Appearance and Disappearance ICC
Exhibition OPEN SPACEICC Tokyo
W3 m×H3m×D3m
material: Cosmic ray detector, LED , NEON, Controller etc.
ICC Tokyo
W3 m×H3m×D3m
material: Cosmic ray detector, LED , NEON, Controller etc.
TARION Art Garrely Tokyo
2011/11/19 〜 12/28
Material: Geiger Counter, Gamma ray detector, LED, Acrylic etc.
Kairakuen has a vast plum garden and it is one of Japan’s three famous garden parks. People travel around the garden and enjoy a shadowy world by the lighting. The famous six old plum trees are arranged by color lighting. The Bamboo forest and Kobuntei which is a cultural asset are illuminated throughout the year.
material: LED, Cosmic ray detector, Micro computer etc.
Setagaya Public Theater Tokyo
Hyogo Performing Arts Center 2010
Aichi Arts Center 2011
Exhibition ”Re-Light” ARCUS Moriya city Ibaraki prefecture
November to December 2007
material: NEON, Automatic Light controller etc.
with Gunter Vogt, Kazutaka Tazaki and Jurgen Cluz
Apotheke Gallery Zurich, Gallery Kingyo Tokyo
October to December 2006
material: Gunma ray detector, PA system etc.
TAMAGAWA ART PROJECT at Tamagawa station of Tokyu railroad company 2006 ~ 2009
Good Design Award 2007 and 2008
material: Fluorescent lamp, Color filter for stage lighting
Scintillator, photomultiplier, LED
” Es ward Licht ” Marktkirche Hannover
22 May – 26 Jun 2005
material: Cosmic ray detector, LED, Acrylic
Scintillation detector, photomultiplier, LED
” Musium of Natural Science”
– Niigatamatsnoyama Echigo-Tsumari Art triennial 03 –